it's always 5 o'clock somewhere and we're here for it. 
however, we like our cocktails sustainable and if possible with a boost of energy.
so one drink we love these days is this one:

meet: 'the sama spritz'

sama spritz

fresh, organic, fairtrade ginger meets prosecco. sama sama makes an amazing and sustainable ginger liqueur, that creates the base for this drink.

sama sama liqueur

the key ingredient for this liqueur, the fairtrade and organic ginger comes from a farmers' cooperative, coordinated by an ngo, in the south of india. the liqueur itself already is a great product and a great gift, since it comes in a super cool bottle that will make for a great vase or candleholder once it's empty.

but back to the cocktail.
the recipe is quick and easy, here it goes.

the recipe

  • 4cl sama sama ginger liqueur
  • 1dl sparkling wine e.g. cava
  • 5cl mineral water

mix all ingredients together in your favorite glass, garnish your drink with fresh ginger and mint and you're ready for happy hour.

sama sama

Nadia Baldelli