little helpers for a big impact, right this way

we firmly believe that small changes matter and make for a great impact in the bigger picture. imagine the positive influence we all could have if all of us just did a few little adjustments in our day-to-day life?

let us inspire you to such changes with these little helpers:

bye bye plastic sponges

one part of the household that generates a lot of waste is the kitchen. grocery-packagings, cooking, washing dishes, storage methods, you name it. so checkout this little kitchen helper: it's a scrub pad which you can also use as a soap rest. it is 100% compostable and will therefore not generate any waste once you don't need it anymore. made out of coconut fiber it generates a lot more suds with a lot less soap, which therefore helps you save resources. this and a few more pro-points, make this a big little improvement in your kitchen routine. 

...and bye bye plastic bags

we all know this; you're standing in the produce section of the supermarket and you need a clever way to collect your veggies and fruits. this is where these products come into action, reusable produce bags. made out of organic cotton, these bags come in three different sizes and not only help you avoid plastic while shopping, they also make for great storage helpers. 

hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

you know what they say, water is life. however, drinking water from single-use plastic bottles is not exactly good for the planet. we suggest switching to reusable water bottles, in order to reduce waste and always have some h2o with you. 

sustainable de-glaming

even the most fabulous make-up look must come off at one point and doing so often means creating lots of waste. what if we told you that with one package of reusable make-up rounds you can cover at least 1750 usages? they're super easy to use and can simply be disposed of with your household-waste at the end of their lifespan. 

for a color-splash in your kitchen

wrap your leftovers and your sliced veggies in some zero-waste art, with these wax towels


these are just some of many ideas for making your home more sustainable in a cool way. looking for more inspiration? checkout our online store or reach out to us - we're happy to help and inspire. :-)

June 08, 2021 — Nadia Baldelli